On May 5, 2012, Amateur Radio Station KB4SA activated for the very first time from Camp Echockotee in Orange Park Florida. Peter Duzant, K4PAD was the first operator on station to use the call sign KB4SA. The first contact was made with the National Boy Scout Of America Museum in Texas, K2BSA/5 where there were several scouts on hand who were there to earn their Radio Merit Badge.
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Morse Code Interpreter Strip
The Boy Scouts of America introduced a Morse Code Interpreter Strip today. You can see the full information here http://www.k2bsa.net/2012/05/morse-code-interpreter-strip/
Frequencies for Inauguration of KB4SA
Well, May 12th is almost here and soon the ionosphere will be filled with Scouts in search of contacts to complete their merit badge requirements. Here are the frequencies (+/- 5KHz for QRM/QRN).
80m – 3.690 & 3.940 MHz
40m – 7.090 & 7.190 MHz
20m – 14.290 MHz
17m – 18.140 MHz
15m – 21.360 MHz
12m – 24.960 MHz
10m – 28.390 MHz
6m – 50.160 MHz
We’ll have several stations QRV throughout the day and also a GOTA station. Stop by and say howdy. There’s even rumor of a live video stream at www.livestream.com/kb4sa.
73 de KB4SA
KB4SA Featured on Amateur Radio Newsline
On April 27, Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, did a news story about the Inaugural Event for Amateur Radio Station KB4SA. Below is the news story..
To read and listen to the complete Amateur Radio Newsline for April 27th, The Amateur Radio Newsline website.
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KB4SA Plans It’s 1st QSO !!
The KB4SA station is planning on making it’s 1st QSO on May 5, 2012 with the National Scouting Museum. The callsign for K2BSA will be K2BSA/5.
The link to the K2BSA site is:
Click on “On The Air” located in the top menu.