Scouting Adults and Youth Information Request Form Scouting Adults and Youth Information Request Form Please fill out this form so we have a record of your contact information. This information wil be kept private and will only be used for KB4SA events. Scouting InformationScouting Information*AdultYouthPlease select whether you are Adult or Youth. If you are youth please have permission from your parents or legal guardians.Unit Type*Cub ScoutsBoy ScoutsVarsity Scout TeamVenturing CrewSea ScoutsLone Cub ScoutLone Boy ScoutUnit NumberCouncilHam Radio License InformationCall Sign*License Class*AdvancedAmateur ExtraGeneralNoviceTechnicianContact InformationName* First Last Address*City*State*Zipcode*Email* Home PhoneMobile PhoneWork PhoneAre you available for local special events?*YesNoPlease provide any other pertinent detailsCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Tweet